現任香港終審法院非常任法官、金紫荊星章得主賀輔明勳爵(Lord Hoffmann),曾在英國上議院,審理國際大案「皮諾切特引渡案」時,沒有披露個人利益衝突,包括他太太Lady Gillian Hoffmann受僱於與案件相關的國際特赦組織(Amnesty International)長達20年,他本人也是國際特赦組織旗下某籌款機構的主席。
此案由五位法官審理,最終3比2,作出有利國際特赦組織相關一方,不利皮諾切特的裁決,這三票中包括Lord Hoffmann決定性的一票。
裁決後數日,Lord Hoffmann與國際特赦組織的關聯被敗訴的皮諾切特曝光,社會輿論哇然,質疑他判案不公。Lord Hoffmann被同案的法官同袍指責、被法律學者唾罵,但他堅決不辭職,並否認自己判案偏頗。稍後,英國上議院宣布此案裁決無效,再委任七位法官重審「皮諾切特引渡案」。
而賀輔明勳爵(Lord Hoffmann)自從1998年擔任終審法院非常任法官後,地位從未受「皮諾切特引渡案」的災難性裁決影響,至今依然穩坐終院。2014年,Lord Hoffmann更獲香港特區政府授予金紫荊星章。2017年,特首林鄭月娥訪英時,還高高興興地去拜會他。
香港崇尚法治,法治的原則在於維護公義。諷刺的是,賀輔明勳爵在「皮諾切特引渡案」中無披露利益衝突這一事件,幾乎成為了法律教科書中「自然公義」(Natural Justice)這一題目的必讀負面案例。
「自然公義」強調,為免產生偏頗,一個人不應該成為自己案件的法官(Nemo iudex in causa sua)。這是對法官的最基本要求,迴避與自己有利益衝突的案件,確保以公平公正的態度審案。
…… 法官的獨立性亦反映於司法誓言。司法誓言是每位法官作出的莊嚴和真誠的承諾;法官宣誓擁護《基本法》,以「無懼、無偏、無私、無欺」之精神為香港特別行政區服務,並主持正義。 ……要法庭偏袒任何一方是絕不可能的。法庭裁決法律糾紛時,公義的天秤不會傾斜,不會偏幫或針對任何一方。 ……法律面前人人平等。在香港象徵公義的雕像(即立於終審法院大樓樓頂的泰美斯女神),不但不偏歪地手持着代表公義的天秤,更是蒙上雙眼的。法庭就席前的糾紛作出判決時,不會有預設立場而偏幫或針對任何一方。
現任香港終審法院非常任法官賀輔明勳爵(Lord Hoffmann),位居司法界巔峰,但一樣犯錯,無披露涉案的個人利益衝突,造成國際大案裁決無效,被同袍怒斥,事件震驚法律界。馬道立首席法官所言「司法誓言是每位法官作出的莊嚴和真誠的承諾;法官宣誓擁護《基本法》,以『無懼、無偏、無私、無欺』之精神為香港特別行政區服務,並主持正義」,會否有點烏托邦、象牙塔的意味?香港人,停一停,想一想,我們是否應繼續對法官的個人操守抱有一廂情願的美好期許?
1. The Law Society Gazette, ‘How Pinochet tainted Hoffmann’s brilliant career’ by Jochua Rozenberg, 23 Apr 2009 (原文見註一)
……由電視拍攝的裁決中,五位大法官似乎意見均等,直到他們中資歷最淺的Hoffmann,率先投了不利於皮諾切特的一票,Lord Nicholls 及Lord Steyn 也作出同樣裁決。Hoffmann並沒有對他的裁決作出任何解釋。
……一直有傳五位法官中最資深的主審大法官Lord Slynn,曾在法庭聆訊前停了一陣,希望Hoffmann會自己申報個人利益,讓大家決定他是否適合繼續審理案件。但Hoffmann什麼都沒做。
……Lord Browne-Wilkinson於1998年12月17日在上議院指出:「此案情況特殊,國際特赦組織不但是案件的介入訴訟人,亦在上訴委員會有御用大律師代表。Lord Hoffmann沒有申報他與國際特赦組織的聯繫,無資格參與此審訊。」
2. 《衛報》,1999年1月15日”Law Lords Condemn Hoffmann” by Clare Dyer (原文見註二)
昨日上議院大法官們指責他們的同袍賀輔明勳爵(Lord Hoffmann)為「自審自案」的法官,因他沒有在審理智利獨裁者皮諾切特引渡案時,披露他與國際特赦組織的緊密聯繫。資深大法官Lord Browne-Wilkinson及其他四位大法官指責Lord Hoffmann蔑視基本法律原則「公義不單要實現,更要以人們都看得見的方式來實現」。這個毀滅性的批評讓Lord Hoffmann的大法官前途充滿問號。
多位大法官斥責Lord Hoffmann漠視一年級法學生都知道的基本法律原則。Lord Hope指這個原則無人不知,本世紀英國從來沒有民事案件因為違反這個原則而導致判決無效,而刑事案件方面遵守這個原則更加重要。這個重要原則就是:「法官應該清楚知道自己不應該審理任何案件,如該案件的原告或被告與自己個人利益有丁點關係。」
大法官Lord Hutton也指出,如果Lord Hoffmann的裁決成立,將動搖社會大眾對司法公義的信心。
……牛津大學學者羅拔遜在BBC節目中要求Lord Hoffmann辭職:「Hoffmann令司法界同袍喪失信心,嚴重性更甚於公眾對他的失望!」
(註一原文) The Law Society Gazette, ‘How Pinochet tainted Hoffmann’s brilliant career’ by Jochua Rozenberg, 23 Apr 2009
……Delivering their televised judgment, the law lords appeared evenly split until Hoffmann, the most junior, voted to allow the prosecutor’s appeal – agreeing with Lords Nicholls and Steyn that Pinochet did not have immunity from prosecution. Hoffmann gave no reasons of his own.
……It has long been rumoured that Lord Slynn, who chaired the panel of five law lords, paused at the start of the hearing in the expectation that Hoffmann would do just that. He did not.
……Lord Browne-Wilkinson said in the House of Lords on December 17, 1998, ‘in the special circumstances of this case, including the fact that Amnesty International was joined as an intervener and appeared by counsel before the appellate committee, Lord Hoffmann, who did not disclose his links with Amnesty International, was disqualified from sitting’.
(註二原文) 《衛報》,1999年1月15日”Law Lords Condemn Hoffmann” by Clare Dyer
In an unprecedented move yesterday, law lords accused their colleague Lord Hoffmann of acting as "a judge in his own cause" by failing to declare his close links with Amnesty International when he sat with four other judges to decide whether the Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet, was immune from arrest and extradition.
The senior law lord, Lord Browne-Wilkinson, and four other law lords criticised Lord Hoffmann for flouting the basic principle that "justice must not only be done but must be seen to be done". The devastating criticism casts doubt over Lord Hoffmann's future as a law lord.
The judges accuse Lord Hoffmann of ignoring a basic judicial tenet learned by every student in the first year of law school. So well known is the rule, said Lord Hope, that no civil court in the United Kingdom has had a judgment set aside for a breach of it this century.
In criminal cases the rule was even more important. "Judges are well aware they should not sit in a case where they have even the slightest personal interest in it, either as defendant or as prosecutor," Lord Hope said.
Lord Hutton said public confidence in the integrity of the administration of justice would be shaken if Lord Hoffmann's deciding vote that General Pinochet could be prosecuted was allowed to stand.
……Dr David Robertson, an Oxford don and author of a new study of the law lords, called for his resignation on BBC Radio Four's PM programme yesterday. "He has probably lost the confidence not so much of the public as of his fellow judiciary," he said.