就著中學教師兼黃色作者庫斯克(邱兆麟)聯同黃媒惡毒炒作「港警等同納粹論」(詳情可按此重溫報道:四黃媒《立場》《HK01》《852》《獨媒》齊發文喻警察大會3.8萬人似大屠殺納粹德軍!),本報特致電郵予德國駐香港總領事館,而德國領事館則特別回覆本報,雖然未有看到有關網上媒體的文章,但任何將香港警察和猶太大屠殺的納粹德軍作比較都是完全不恰當。 「從整件事情看,是不能用大屠殺事件來作比較的。」 領事館更建議任何人在談論有關猶太大屠殺事件前,先要了解清楚大屠殺究意是甚麼一回事,才可謹慎作出有關言論。
We are not yet aware of such web media articles, but any comparison between the HKPF and Nazi perpetrators of the holocaust is, of course, equally inappropriate. From all sides, resorting to Holocaust comparisons in this incident is completely out of proportion and we recommend to anyone involved in these discussions to study first what happened in the Holocaust and then carefully consider their remarks.本報已將庫斯克所寫,及由四個黃媒轉載具侵犯性文字譯成英文傳給德國駐香港總領事館。 以下為該兩段的中英文本。
納粹德國投降之後,很多曾經參與集中營屠殺的軍人在庭上作供時,對於自己的罪行沒有太大反省,他們只是覺得自己在執行命令,沒有什麼良心的譴責,也不覺得自己有錯。 2月22日晚,這過千名(編按:實質是近四萬警察及親友)出來支持七警的警察,他們心裡在想什麼呢?是不是也覺得七警沒有錯?
Following the surrender of Nazi Germany, many (German) soldiers that participated in the holocaust massacre in the concentration camps never reflected much on their crimes. They felt that they were merely following orders and therefore felt no moral remorse or that they were wrong. On Feb 22, over one thousand (actual number was over 38,000) police officers turned up to support the seven policemen, what were they thinking? Did they not also feel that the seven policemen commit no wrong?原圖:無綫截圖 投票已截止,多謝支持