FCC以政府物業來提供平台讓陳浩天「播獨」,在各方要求下其租約終於在剛過去的周三(12/9)晚公開了。 按現時公開租約,裡面有以下條款:
Not to use, or permit or suffer to be used any part of the Premises for any illegal or immoral purposes, and the determination of the Lessor as to what constitutes illegal or immoral purposes shall be final and binding on the Lessee. (場地不許用作違法和不道德用途,至於甚麼是違法和不道德,政府有最終和有約束力的決定權。) That in the event the premises are not being used to the satisfaction of the Lessor, the Lessor shall be entitled to terminate this lease and take back possession of the premises upon giving three calendar months’ notice to the Lessee to that effect to expire at any time. No compensation shall be payable by the Lessor for any loss whatsoever suffered by the Lessee as a result of or arising from such termination. (如果政府對場地的使用不滿意,政府可以預先給予三個月的通知期收回場地,不予賠償。)FCC涉嫌違法《基本法》第一條,政府會依法治港,按租約條款收回FCC現時會址嗎? 政府會否重複她先前所說的「十分遺憾」呢?倘若只止於口頭遺憾而沒有懲罰,大專院校及社會上的「港獨」只會更形氾濫,因為這樣做是沒有代價的。十月一日快來了,反對派又搞遊行,倘若政府不依法辦事,啟動收回FCC會址,只會有更多人心存僥倖,揮舞港獨旗幟,呼喊港獨口號,甚至再度衝擊解放軍軍營以至大量印制港獨T裇,因為「港獨成了反權威而又沒有代價」的標誌。中央會坐視嗎?口頭上的「遺憾」能遏止這歪風嗎?抑或如陳智思議員所言「不理會它便不會有人注意」?